Thursday, March 11, 2010

Struggling With Weight Removal

I received this today about dieting...I am not on a diet per say but trying very hard to eat healthy and remove about 15lbs that I know are unhealthy to me. It's a hard process for me but over the last 3 mths I have learned not to be so hard on myself because life happens, and there will be times we will eat out and we will have birthday parties that I will want a piece of cake! It's all about making choices for ourselves and living with those choices which may cause us to struggle.

I just read that people make the statement of wanting to lose weight. When we lose something we usually find it again and weight that I lose is not something I want to find again. We should be saying REMOVAL. We want to remove weight and not find it again! So this is to all my friends who are wanting to remove any weight to make themselves healthier.....

1 Peter 3:14But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled.

If the example of Jesus teaches us anything, it should be that suffering is a noble and good thing when it leads to a better way. Our diets are definitely the source of suffering, but there is great blessing awaiting all who stick with them. God has promised special blessing to those who keep courage in the face of suffering and don't give in. Losing weight not only makes us look and feel better, but it draws us closer to God and His divine plan for us. Our suffering is not in vain. It is all to the glory of the Lord.
Today's thought: I will fear nothing, as long as Jesus is with me!

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