Friday, October 9, 2009

Mr. Mom!!!

I am now down to 5 days until I leave for Europe...leave my kids for 2 weeks. I'm feeling a little sad because I won't be able to talk to them while I am gone. I'm starting to fill overwhelmed by all there is to do before I go, but most of all I'm nervous about Kevin taking care of everything and being "Mr. Mom". Does he know all I do to make this house and family run smoothly. If not I think he will have a better appreciation for it when this 2 weeks is over. Volleyball practice, chorus, youth group, library days at school, clothes for PE days, soccer practice, football practice, soccer games, vball games, football games, volunteering at Noah's school, what day we carpool which day we don't, Noah's school snack, Grayson's potty schedule, when to put dinner on the table so it doesn't interfere with evening activities, birthday parties, where to pick up and drop off at both schools, what time to leave the house so your not stuck in traffic at one school so you can get to the other one on time. Wow its exhausting just thinking about it. I know I have to let it all go and just trust that it will all get done and if something gets missed then life will go on. Or if they eat McDonalds happy meals for 2 weeks they won't die. (Maybe put on 5 lbs. but not die) I want to go away and not worry about anything and enjoy this time away with Allison. Knowing that I may never have a 2 week vacation away from my responsibilities again. Well I better get started on the BIG calendar I'm making for Kevin that will be taped across our dining room wall BIG he will be able to see everything he has to remember while I'm sitting in Paris at a cafe enjoying tea and pastries!!!


Jen Stutzman said...

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy for all of us moms that will still be at home. Kevin will do great! I cannot wait to hear all about it! Love you.

Kim said...

Have a fantastic time! It is amazing all of the little details we take care of on a daily basis but yes, Kevin will do great. Safe travels!